Anecdotally, I’ve definitely heard/read a lot of anxiety about this, but specifically saying that there is a need to return to physical media in response. (So make sure you buy what you like when you can so you still have it when the streamer pulls it.) Do you think if streamers don’t demystify this issue, we could see a resurgence in blu-rays and DVDs?

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I think, generally, I am always going to be concerned about disappearing content - because the decisions are made around money (whether cost saved or profits gained through reissuing). Some content we won't be able to access again except through illicit means. That could be the librarian and data hoarder in me talking though haha. That being said, I'm tremendously pleased to see how much of the content has been reissued - though I'm curious to think about it in my own Canadian context. I suspect a lot less content is being reissued here (but I could be totally off base).

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This was definitely informative. I knew something like this was going on but you definitely clarified many aspects of it. One that I don't think you mentioned but often bugged me is the show Riverdale.

They were produced by Warner Brothers for The CW network but when it was on Netflix, the credits would include the words "A Netflix Original". Which seemed kinda odd, though I think they might have invested in the show's production because it did well on Netflix.

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